How to know the port number the board and system device name

hello hulugaga1111,

you may also download pinmux spreadsheets to review the mappings for ball name and its GPIO.
the GPIO number calculation formula is valid if you’re using k-4.9, (before Jetpack-5.x)

#define TEGRA194_AON_GPIO(port, offset) \
  	((TEGRA194_AON_GPIO_PORT_##port * 8) + offset)

you should also consider allocation range, it’s shown here… gpiochip1: GPIOs 248-287, parent: platform/c2f0000.gpio, tegra-gpio-aon:
for example, GPIO04 is GPIO3_PCC.01, the GPIO number is… ((2*8) + 1) + 248 = 265, you should toggle gpio265 to control GPIO04.

if you’re based-on JetPack-5.x, the above GPIO calculation is not valid anymore for K5.10.
instead, please refer to developer guide, [To check a GPIO number]. please follow the GPIO debugfs for looking up the port and offset.
for example,
454 is the GPIO number of PQ.06

$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio | grep PQ.06
gpio-454 (PQ.06 )