How to make a parses function for my regression model

Is this because there’s no parsing function could parse this output?
or NvDSTensorMeta does not need parse function ?

and could you please explain more what is this point mean?
The model takes 1 frame as input with shape (3x720x1280), Is this input could not work with the deepstream 5 ?

There are some issue in nvinfer, just update a rough WAR for you, you can install the probe on src pad of nvinfer plugin instead of sink pad of osd as following:

osdsinkpad = nvosd.get_static_pad("sink")
chage to 
osdsinkpad = pgie.get_static_pad("src")

Also for how to parse NvDsInferTensorMeta, you need to refer deepstream_python_apps/ at 5cb4cb8be92e079acd07d911d265946580ea81cd · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_python_apps · GitHub for how to access the out_buf_ptrs_host

I would suggest to create a new topic for the NvDsInferTensorMeta missed issue if you would like to install the probe on sink pad of osd plugin.

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