How to parallel A* search algorithm in CUDA

Hi everybody,

I’m beginner in CUDA programming. i want to run my code (A* search algorithm) in parallel mode on GPU in order to speed up Vs. Cpu mode. this is my code:


float Navigation::findPath(dtPolyRef startRef, dtPolyRef endRef,const float* startPos, const float* endPos, dtPolyRef* path, int &pathCount, const int maxPath)
float cost = 0.0f;

pathCount = 0;


dtNode* startNode = m_nodePool->getNode(startRef);
dtVcopy(startNode->pos, startPos);
startNode->pidx = 0;
startNode->cost = 0;
startNode->total = dtVdist(startPos, endPos) * H_SCALE;
startNode->id = startRef;
startNode->flags = DT_NODE_OPEN;

dtNode* lastBestNode = startNode;
float lastBestNodeCost = startNode->total;

while (!m_openList->empty())
	// Remove node from open list and put it in closed list.
	dtNode* bestNode = m_openList->pop();
	bestNode->flags &= ~DT_NODE_OPEN;
	bestNode->flags |= DT_NODE_CLOSED;
	// Reached the goal, stop searching.
	if (bestNode->id == endRef)
		lastBestNode = bestNode;
	Graph::Node* node = &mainGraph.nodes[bestNode->id];
	// Get parent poly and tile.
	dtPolyRef parentRef = 0;

	if (bestNode->pidx)
		parentRef = m_nodePool->getNodeAtIdx(bestNode->pidx)->id;


	for (unsigned int i=0; i < node->numEdges; i++)
		dtPolyRef neighbourRef = node->edges[i].targetNodeId;

		// Skip invalid ids and do not expand back to where we came from.
		if (!neighbourRef || neighbourRef == parentRef)

		dtNode* neighbourNode = m_nodePool->getNode(neighbourRef);
		if (!neighbourNode)
		// If the node is visited the first time, calculate node position.
		if (neighbourNode->flags == 0)
			dtVcopy(neighbourNode->pos,  node->edges[i].pos);

		// Calculate cost and heuristic.
		float cost = 0.0f;
		float heuristic = 0.0f;
		if (neighbourRef == endRef)
			const float curCost = dtVdist(bestNode->pos, neighbourNode->pos);
			const float endCost = dtVdist(bestNode->pos, endPos);

			cost = bestNode->cost + curCost + endCost;
			heuristic = 0.0f;
			const float curCost = dtVdist(bestNode->pos, neighbourNode->pos);
			cost = bestNode->cost + curCost;
			heuristic = dtVdist(neighbourNode->pos, endPos)*H_SCALE;
		const float total = cost + heuristic;
		// The node is already in open list and the new result is worse, skip.
		if ((neighbourNode->flags & DT_NODE_OPEN) && total >= neighbourNode->total)
		// The node is already visited and process, and the new result is worse, skip.
		if ((neighbourNode->flags & DT_NODE_CLOSED) && total >= neighbourNode->total)
		// Add or update the node.
		neighbourNode->pidx = m_nodePool->getNodeIdx(bestNode);
		neighbourNode->id = neighbourRef;
		neighbourNode->flags = (neighbourNode->flags & ~DT_NODE_CLOSED);
		neighbourNode->cost = cost;
		neighbourNode->total = total;
		if (neighbourNode->flags & DT_NODE_OPEN)
			// Already in open, update node location.
			// Put the node in open list.
			neighbourNode->flags |= DT_NODE_OPEN;
		// Update nearest node to target so far.
		if (heuristic < lastBestNodeCost)
			lastBestNodeCost = heuristic;
			lastBestNode = neighbourNode;


// Reverse the path.
dtNode* prev = 0;
dtNode* node = lastBestNode;
cost = lastBestNode->cost;
	dtNode* next = m_nodePool->getNodeAtIdx(node->pidx);
	node->pidx = m_nodePool->getNodeIdx(prev);
	prev = node;
	node = next;
while (node);

// Store path
node = prev;
int n = 0;
	path[n++] = node->id + refBase;
	if (n >= maxPath)
	node = m_nodePool->getNodeAtIdx(node->pidx);
while (node);

pathCount = n;

return cost;



can anybody help me ?
thanks a lot.

It is almost always true that the most efficient GPU code for an algorithm is considerably different than the serial CPU algorithm. A* search is no exception. I recommend against trying to port your CPU code at all and instead write a GPU specific implementation from scratch. You say you are a CUDA beginner, so this may be a pretty large project if you are not comfortable with GPU coding and algorithm design!

In my own GPU A* solver, I open up large numbers of nodes in parallel (the top ~2K from the current stack) then insert the new nodes into the stack in batches. In an embarassing hack, I did not actually sort them in a priority tree, but just roughly partitioned them into “larger than average” and “smaller than average” and kept processing any nodes from the “smaller than average” bin. This also meant that once I found a solution, I had to keep checking since the non-sorted queue did not guarantee it was the optimal path yet, so I kept doing more rounds until all pending nodes exceeded the best solution so far. For my application this worked fine and saved a ton of code (I didn’t have to sort!) but I’m sure it was far from optimal. However in my application, the A* search was not a speed bottleneck: I just did the quick hacky A* search on the GPU to avoid having to send data to and from the CPU.

An optimized GPU A* search is described in this paper.

Sorry but the attached link leads to an “error 404 ,page not found”, may I ask you to update it ?

It might be this one.

And here are some additional resources for that paper.

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