How to reflash my Jetson Nano

Hello, I am trying to reflash my Jetson Nano.

Previously, I had my Jetson Nano already set up and can boot to a Linux system and run some programs.

I have a new project that needed fresh Linux on my Jetson Nano, and I thought I could just reflash it and come like a new factory setting.

So, I looked for some articles to reflash my Jetson Nano and found that we can just do it like the first time we set up Jetson for the first boot (I have no idea if it works or not).

I followed this Nvidia article get started jetson nano. I flashed the image to my microSD card (That used for booting previously).

Here is the step I did:

  1. Format my microSD card (That used for booting previously).
  2. Write image file to my microSD card using Etcher.
  3. First boot my Jetson Nano, by inserting my microSD and try to boot.

When I did the steps above, my jetson nano couldn’t boot up and give me this screen.

I have struggled with this for a few days, and I couldn’t find way to get my Jetson Nano reflash.

What did I do wrong?

The Jetson modules need a QSPI flash for the first steps and SD/EMMC/NVME/… for the rest. Maybe the QSPI content is damaged.
Please try the SDK Manager method. You will need a physical Ubuntu 18.04 64 bit PC (no virtual machine, won’t work) for this.

Thanks!, I will try this and come back if I need further information.