How to resolve the problem of vanishing robots under the terrain?

I have a problem that robot agents going under the t terrain which I made with trimesh configuration.
the stair spec:

horizontal_scale = 0.01   # [m]
vertical_scale = 0.01  # [m]
step_width = 0.30  # [m]
step_height = -0.17  # [m]

I utilized the code from legged_gym(GitHub - leggedrobotics/legged_gym: Isaac Gym Environments for Legged Robots) and using this configuration

tm_params = gymapi.TriangleMeshParams()
tm_params.nb_vertices = self.terrain.vertices.shape[0]
tm_params.nb_triangles = self.terrain.triangles.shape[0]
tm_params.transform.p.x = -2
tm_params.transform.p.y = -2
tm_params.transform.p.z = 2.5
tm_params.static_friction = 1.0
tm_params.dynamic_friction = 1.0
tm_params.restitution = 0.
self.gym.add_triangle_mesh(self.sim, self.terrain.vertices.flatten(order='C'),
                           self.terrain.triangles.flatten(order='C'), tm_params)
self.height_samples = torch.tensor(self.terrain.heightsamples).view(self.terrain.tot_rows,

I already wrapped up all parts of the robots with a collision mesh.

How can I prevent the vanishing problem?

Hi! I have the same problem :/
Did you manage to solve the issue?

I solved this problem by increasing the value of the max_gpu_contact_pairs option.

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