How to retrieve custom frame metadata in deepstream pipeline send by the server

I have created a http server (using python flask) where I am sending the frames with custom metadata attached to each frame. I am able to consume this http stream in deepstream and infer, but couldn’t able to retrieve the metadata which was attached to frame .

I have attached the code of the http server how I am attaching metadata to each frame

**• Hardware Platform ( GPU ) - RTX A2000
**• DeepStream Version - 6.4
**• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version - 550.90.07

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. (5.7 KB)

you can use nvds_add_user_meta_to_frame to add meta to frame. please find this function in opt\nvidia\deepstream\deepstream-7.0\sources\apps\sample_apps\deepstream-user-metadata-test\deepstream_user_metadata_app.c.

Actually I wanted to retrieve the frame metadata in deepstream but not trying to add metadata to frame in deepstream pipeline, as I have already attached the metadata to frame in http server which I developed in python flask (attached file)

I think you can retrieve frame metadata in deepstream by using Gst-nvmsgconv and Gst-nvmsgbroker instead

please refer to osd_sink_pad_buffer_probe of deepstream-test1. NvDsFrameMeta is the frame mea.

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