How to shorten boot time?

I am making my own carrier board now, using the Orin nano core module. When the system starts up, it will stay in the UEFI interface for a few minutes until the display times out before entering the desktop. The current boot time is too long, which affects my use. Please tell me. Is there a way to solve this problem? So as to avoid network startup

Hi 18272077327,

Please share the full serial console log with timestamp enabled for further check.

If you hit Phy Initialization failed issue, please apply the following patch.
Jetson AGX Orin Long Boot Time - #25 by KevinFFF

You could also remove the PXE/HTTP as boot-device in UEFI menu.

I have tried to turn off the network startup, but there is still two minutes and thirty seconds of startup time. This song has a greater impact at present. I looked at the link you gave me. It is not easy at the moment. Do you not consider giving it a boot? Should the startup program be optimized or cut off directly? I think this is unnecessary for most users. When we try to make these modifications in mainland China, we encounter many problems. I hope you can directly This startup thing has been optimized to make it easier for us to use.

Could you share the full serial console log from power on the board?

Have you tried to compare the boot up time on your custom carrier board with the devkit board?

Since there’re different stage during boot up and it is strongly depending on the use case.
Everyone wants it boot up as fast as possible, but you might have to disable many features in your systems.

Please just share the full serial console log with timestamp enabled first.
I think it should not take 150s to boot up on the devkit.

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