How to use another mipi port data on Xavier

Hi ShaneCCC

the item 1 trace log as below:

new-trace.txt (160.2 KB)

Yes, this log only show have one VC capture, could you check this kind of configure for the latest sensor that have problem one.

Hi ShaneCCC

the problem is still remains
the trace as below:
new-trace-one.txt (276.9 KB)

the phenomenon as below:

Does this latest sensor? Looks like the VC-ID is 0x2 instead of latest 0x3

Hi ShaneCCC.

The stuck phenomenon has always been the last but one camera
The latest 0x2 there is stuck phenomenon,the other seven is ok.
video0-7 only video2 stuck.

Have you try to swap the sensor connection?

Hi ShaneCCC

I tested the following two scenarios.

  1. Swap the connect the other three normal cameras to channel 2, the problem remains
    All videos are normal except video2
  2. Change another carrier board, open the eight video node,It’s still abnormal video2

Hi ShaneCCC

Is there any other suggestions for this issue. ?

From the trace log looks like the VI channel was disable. But it’s unreasonable. Could you trace the VI driver to check if the VI channel and CSI streaming was enable. Also may check the device configure too.