So i am using Isaac ros on jetpack6.0 on jetson orin nano 8gb with ros2 humble
I am making a self driving robot so far i ran the docker images of Tutorial for Visual SLAM Using a RealSense Camera with Integrated IMU and it works pretty well
I face many problem with time but some how everything works
i am using d435i camera and rplidarA2 for the navigation how can i use the docker file with my own code or for my robot for navigation and path planning.
Can anyone guide me how to use docker for my project like for my own code. I saw the documentation of isaac ros but i can’t find anything that will help the new begineer like me. their is a workspace of ros2 that i built after watching the udemy course i linked that one with the docker and do the colcon installation it works fine.
I am trying to figuring out the thing .isaac_ros_common-config file to make and most of the thing but with no success.
Also their is some issue like when i install all the ros packages for nitros or nvblox or for some other in the container i have to do it every time the ros installation as i seem it is not permanant is their is any fix