How to use Python CV2 to record uncompressed video with Gstreamer using appsink and appsrc?

I have write a code to record video in normal mp4 so far, but I think the video is compressed. How can I modify the code to record an uncompressed video? I remember the uncompressed video is codec in *'IYUV' and the video extension should be .avi

import cv2

cam_ip = 'rtsp://admin:@'
video_path = 'output.mp4'

in_gst = f"rtspsrc location={cam_ip} " \
         f"! rtph264depay " \
         f"! h264parse " \
         f"! nvv4l2decoder " \
         f"! nvvidconv " \
         f"! video/x-raw, format=(string)BGRx " \
         f"! videoconvert " \
         f"! video/x-raw,format=BGR " \
         f"! appsink drop=1"

v_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(in_gst, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER)

out_gst = f"appsrc " \
          f"! video/x-raw, format=BGR " \
          f"! queue " \
          f"! videoconvert " \
          f"! video/x-raw,format=RGBA " \
          f"! nvvidconv " \
          f"! nvv4l2h264enc maxperf-enable=1 bitrate=9000000 " \
          f"! h264parse " \
          f"! mp4mux " \
          f"! filesink location={video_path} "
writer = cv2.VideoWriter(out_gst, cv2.CAP_GSTREAMER, 0, 15, (3840, 2160))

frame_count = 0

while v_cap.isOpened():
    ret_val, frame =
    if not ret_val:

    frame_count += 1

    if frame_count == 15 * 3:

Please check the samples for reference:
Displaying to the screen with OpenCV and GStreamer - #9 by DaneLLL
Stream processed video with OpenCV on Jetson TX2 - #5 by DaneLLL

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