How to use tensorrt in python of AGX Xavier JetPack5.1

Thank you for reminding me of this change!




---- Replied Message ----

From | AastaLLL via NVIDIA Developer |

  • | - |
    Date | 3/8/2023 10:09 |
    To | |
    Subject | [NVIDIA Developer Forums] [Jetson & Embedded Systems/Jetson AGX Xavier] How to use tensorrt in python of AGX Xavier JetPack5.1 |

| AastaLLL Moderator
March 8 |

  • | - |


There are some changes in the TensorRT installation.

This will be fixed in our next JetPack revision.
Currently, please run the command in the following link to install TensorRT python manually:

No module named ‘tensorrt’ Jetson AGX Orin

Hi, Please try the following command to install the python binding for TensorRT. $ sudo apt install python3-libnvinfer* We are checking why the python binding is not installed by default with our internal team. Will share more information with you later. Thanks.
