How to Use Test Set and Ground Truth for MaP Evaluation in DetectNet_v2?

To calculate the Mean Average Precision (MaP) of a detectnet_v2 model using a test set.

I have a test set consisting of 800 images, along with their ground truth bounding boxes provided in the Kitti format. I want to evaluate the test accuracy of a DetectNet_v2 model.

I noticed in the provided notebooks that there is an option to run inference on test images, which outputs images with predicted bounding boxes and a corresponding label file containing these bounding boxes. Is there a way to use these predicted bounding boxes and their ground truth bounding boxes to calculate the MaP of the model?

Yes, there is an option to run evaluation. You can run tao model detectnet_v2 evaluate.

Hi @Morganh ,

Thank you for your reply.

Can you please provide any documentation on how to use the evaluate function?
I can see from the notebook that it takes the same specs used for training as input. Where can I provide my validation data path in the specs?
Is there any other configuration that I should keep in mind while using the evaluate function on a custom test set?

Suggest you to run default notebook to get familiar with it.
You can generate tfrecords files based on your own dataset.

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