I can't install the system.img of one jetson on the second jetson

After I flashed AGX Orin, when I started it wrote /mnt/ can’t find PARTUUID. How can I solve this problem?

The problem arose after the following steps:

  1. I took device A (jetson agx orin) and installed JetPack 36.3 there using SDK Manager. Then I installed the SDK (cuda, etc.).
  2. I used the command sudo ./flash.sh -r -k APP -G backup.img jetson-agx-orin-dev mmcblk0p1 for clone jetson image
  3. I took device B (second jetson agx orin) and also installed JetPack 36.3 using SDK Manager.
  4. backup.img copy to bootloader folder and changed to system.img
  5. run command sudo ./flash.sh -r -k APP jetson-agx-orin-dev mmcblk0p1 (./flash.sh -r jetson-agx-orin-dev mmcblk0p1 also tested)
  6. ./flash successfully completes and jetson reboots. But, when turning on after the NVIDIA logo /mnt/ can’t find PARTUUID appears

How to solve this problem?

Hi @rz.cross

In order to create a system.img please use the following command

sudo ./flash.sh --no-flash  jetson-agx-orin-dev mmcblk0p1

According to the sudo ./flash.sh --help output, the --no-flash option does:

        --no-flash ------------ perform all steps except physically flashing the board.
                                This will create a system.img.

Then, you can put the board in recovery mode and flash it:

sudo ./flash.sh -r jetson-agx-orin-dev mmcblk0p1

I hope this information is of value to you. Please, let us know how it goes!

Eduardo Salazar
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun

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I think I explained the problem incorrectly.

I create a clone of one Jetson and restore it according to the instructions on another. But after flashing, my Jetson does not boot.


Hi @rz.cross

Could you please share the UART serial console log?

You could follow the instructions in NVIDIA Jetson Orin AGX

Also, please note that the instructions that you are following specifiy that:

If the target board has never been flashed, flash all of the board’s partitions. Enter the command:

sudo ./flash.sh -r mmcblk0p1

This command is very similar to the one that I sent:

Is this the first time that you flash the second AGX Orin?

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