I need some cuda 11 files

I have got huge problem with running an onnx file for face detection and recognition. the story begins with that i cant no longer install cuda 11.x on ubuntu 20 or 22 so i try to install ubuntu 22 and installing cuda 12. For making sure about the compatibility i found all versions in deepstream 6.4 docker because i test my onnx file in 6.4 docker and every thing was ok. So i installed al cuda and cudnn and onnxruntime version based on 6.4 docker but i still got that errro
The error is shown below
FAIL:Failed to load library libonnxruntime_privider_cuda.so with error: libcublasLt.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I wondered how it can be run in deepstream6.4 container but i can’t run it on my ubuntu that i install all packages based on that container. I think that libcublasLt.so.11 is somehow is placed in cuda directory or cuda 11 files are placed in cuda directory
Please help me solve this.
For some reasons i should run my project outside container🙏