Is that an extension we can use in Omniverse?
If yes, what is the name of the extension?
FYI, The video at end of your SIGGRAPH 2022 presentation showed the most amazing piece of 3D camera movement and large scene I think I have ever seen.
Is that an extension we can use in Omniverse?
If yes, what is the name of the extension?
FYI, The video at end of your SIGGRAPH 2022 presentation showed the most amazing piece of 3D camera movement and large scene I think I have ever seen.
Hi @DataJuggler! Our Audio2Face team is developing an entire suite of tools to compliment our latest announcement of Omniverse ACE. This includes improved multi-language support, a training SDK, high-fidelity muscle facial animations, and hair simulation - where you can generate strand-based hair from a single photo with a full physics based system that allow you to “groom” the hair. If you would like more information on Omniverse ACE, you can check out this site: Omniverse Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) | NVIDIA Developer for more information and sign up to be notified when there are updates!
The hair simulation was announced during the SIGGRAPH 2022 NVIDIA Keynote.
(Here is a time-stamp link to the YouTube video: NVIDIA Special Address at SIGGRAPH 2022 )
Thank you. Can’t wait.