我用iclone8.3可以连接omnverse, 但是我升级到iclone8.4又无法连接,系统提示:需要安装iclone omnverse connector来导出USD, 但是无法打开,是什么问题?谢谢
Hello there,
I have used my translator to try to read your email. You are asking about USD Composer and iClone? The first thing I would say is you have to export your model, even with using iClone as a USD file or something that can be imported like FBX. The second thing I would say is that the latest version on Launcher is USD Composer 2023.2.5 but the very latest version is on our GITHUB page which is the usd template for 106.4 GitHub - NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-app-template: Omniverse Kit App Template