IGX dev board is booting up, but not getting display via DP or HDMI cable


I have nvidia igx system - NVIDIA IGX Platform,
This system was working good until today as we are not able to display anything from the system though it booting up.

I checked by going to bootable mode, there are lot of options in boot manager, please can you guide me how to boot in safe way and get back the system to working state.

The IGX developer kit has only DP output port. The HDMI port is the input source.

Do you use the 1.0DP release? Please confirm if you are using this version. And may get the UART log to see where it gets stuck.


I’m not sure which release is present, we are not getting the output/display on the monitor to confirm on that. (I’m getting - “NO DP signal from your device”)

Please can you tell me how to get the uart log, I can share them here.

I see that it is showing as 0 RAM, which might causing booting issue.
Attached two screenshot for reference.

Thanks in advance for the support!!

Please check the guidance in developer guide:
Installing IGX-Software - NVIDIA Docs

to get uart log. And you may consider re-flash to 1.0DP to have a clean system.

There are lot of data and software installations done,
Will it be lost after re-flash??

Hi kjay.ajith,

What data/software do you mean?
All of them should be available to be re-installed and setup after reflash.

The 1.0 production release is public:
IGX-SW 1.0 (Production Release) Release - Announcement

Would suggest backup the data and upgrade to this version.

How to backup the data when its not turning on/no DP signal.
Can you guide us here on how to backup?

Are you able to see uart log? If you can get the uart log and the system can boot to userspace, you may dump the data out from command line.

If not, you may try this:

Install IGX-Software - NVIDIA Docs

And try to boot from the USB disk.

You can retrieve/backup your data through mounting the original rootfs(/dev/mmcblk0p1) after you boot up with USB disk.

We are not able to get uart log, when we connect to developer kit using ethernet cable, the ping is not unreachable.

Have you connected the 5. 1GbE RJ45 with connection to the Orin CCPLEX and BMC in System Overview - NVIDIA Docs and setup BMC correctly?

Having Ubuntu 18.04 version, we were able to initiate the re-flash as it enable the Holopack DP 2.0.
Its taking more time than expected, we restarted more than 3 times for installation and re-flash. (attached screenshot)

DP1.0 as mentioned above in this thread is not available while re-flashing.
What are these difference between holopack DP 2.0, and DP 1.0 that you have mentioned in this thread.

You can refer to Installing Holopack (deprecated) - NVIDIA Docs for the difference.
Software Stack on IGX has moved to IGX-SW. Holopack on IGX is now deprecated. It is recommended to move from Holopack to IGX-SW. Read the Software Releases Section of this guide for more on IGX-SW.
It seems they are both deprecated.

We would suggest using the latest IGX-SW 1.0 Production release.

Thank you for all the support.
We were able to flash to IGX system.

Now we are stuck in this step where it is not installing the CUDA and other packages from the host system to IGX. (attached screenshot).

Since the Ethernet cable is connected from host system to IGX system we will not be able to provide internet right, So we have given WIFI network access to both IGX and Host system.

How to resolve this issue?

There would be 2 ethernet port on IGX devkit.
You can connect the left one to the internet, and connect the right one on your host for BMC.
Please do not use SDKM for IGX from IGX SW 1.0 Production release.
All the steps and required procedures to install/setup IGX are in the link I shared above.

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