Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
**• Jetson Xaiver NX **
• DeepStream Version 6.2
**• JetPack Version 5.1 **
**• TensorRT Version **
**• Image Distortion and Inference Issues **
I am writing to report two issues encountered while running a Deepstream 6.2 pipeline with YOLO v4 and UNet inferences on JP 5.1. Previously, this pipeline functioned correctly on JP 4.6.
Problem 1: Image Distortion
We are observing image distortion in the lower portion of the image when viewing the results at the probe. This distortion is consistently present regardless of the frame rate (1, 5, 15, or 30 fps). We suspect the distortion might be caused by remnants from the previous frame.
An example image showcasing the distortion is attached to this message.
Problem 2: Inference Discrepancy with File Input
When saving the data and reading images from a file using cv2.imread, YOLO detections are no longer present, even though the same images yielded detections in real-time. However, UNet inference remains functional.
Furthermore, the following observations were made:
- Replacing RGB2BGR in the pipeline results in no detections for both YOLO and UNet.
- Reading images with cv2.imread(IMREAD_UNCHANGED) also leads to the absence of YOLO detections in the same pipeline.
It is important to note that the source remains appsrc receiving a numpy array in both scenarios.
We would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions on troubleshooting these issues and achieving the desired results in our Deepstream pipeline.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Daphna, Nanovel