image rescale crash NvFBC


I build a desktop capturing and encoding to h264 system with nvFBC. It worked well if the output resolution is in 1920x1080 same as the desktop resolution. I added the feature of rescale from the resolution of 1920x1080 to 1280x720 with following codes:

            m_fbcHwEncGrabFrameParams.eGMode = NVFBC_HW_ENC_SOURCEMODE_SCALE;
	m_fbcHwEncGrabFrameParams.dwStartX = 0;
	m_fbcHwEncGrabFrameParams.dwStartY = 0;
	m_fbcHwEncGrabFrameParams.dwTargetHeight = 720;
	m_fbcHwEncGrabFrameParams.dwTargetWidth = 1280;

It worked some how, but occasionally, nvfbc encoder crashed. I traced the crash point and found the crash occurred when NvFBCHWEncGrabFrame() return error: NVFBC_ERROR_INVALIDATED_SESSION or NVFBC_ERROR_HW_ENC_FAILURE, and then I called NvFBCHWEncRelease(), my program crashed.

It seems it is the procedure inside nvfbc DLL or nvidia driver level, or above my codes wrong ?

My OS is Windows 10, GRID K520 on AWS G2, visual Studio 2015, nvidia capture SDK 5.0/6.0/6.0.6. I also verified with a physical Windows 10 with K520, same result.

I also have a log of nvfbc failure as:

14.540 | NvFBC | PID 14872 ## : CNVHWEncWrapper::EncodeFrame :: Target width and height are larger than current desktop resolution…

14.546 | NvFBC | PID 14872 ## : NvFBCHWEncImplementor_v1::NvFBCHWEncGrabFrame :: Error (NVFBC_ERROR_HW_ENC_FAILURE). Encode Frame failed…

15.430 | NvFBC | PID 14872 ## : NvFBCHWEncImplementor_v1::NvFBCHWEncGrabFrame :: nvEncLockBitstream failed with NVENCSTATUS

15.435 | NvFBC | PID 14872 ## : NvFBCHWEncImplementor_v1::NvFBCHWEncGrabFrame :: Error (NVFBC_ERROR_HW_ENC_FAILURE). Failed to lock output bitstream buffer…

11.740 | NvFBC | PID 14872 ## : CNVHWEncWrapper::EncodeFrame :: nvEncEncodePicture failed with NVENCSTATUS NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_PARAM.

11.745 | NvFBC | PID 14872 ## : NvFBCHWEncImplementor_v1::NvFBCHWEncGrabFrame :: Error (NVFBC_ERROR_HW_ENC_FAILURE). Encode Frame failed…