IMMA roofline analysis in NSight Compute

As far as I understand, the SpeedOfLight_HierarchicalRoflineTensorCore section and other roofline sections are only for floating point data types.

Is there a way to plot hierarchical roofline for imma instr, i.e. int8 operations?

After looking at the section files, I’m a little confused about which metrics to use for imma.

One example of my confusion is to get both peak and actual operations/cycle in fp rooflines, Nsight multiplies the instr/cycles *512.

How does that apply to imma? Should I multiply by 512 as well or other different factor? And how does that 512 is calculated?

Thank you.

I came across this

So, I guess 512 isn’t the right factor for a100 for both fp16 and in8. Please let us know what to use for a100 for different precisions.
My estimation is 4096 and apparently the user in the mentioned post suggests the same as well.

As of today, we don’t have a published roofline model for integer in Nsight Compute, including what factors and metrics would be needed. We have had this request before and are considering it along with other features.

When will the roofline model for integer be supported in Nsight Compute?

We have this feature in our backlog of items and are prioritizing it along with other requests, but can’t provide a specific release date at this time.