Imx477 exposure or fps is not constant

Still have problems with constant expo.

Here are 2 cases of using argus code.
Was made several shots and stitched together.

  1. Top part, every shot with creating and destroying:
    for N shots
    → createStream
    → configureSensor(expo, fps, lockAE)
    → startRepeat
    → threadExecute
    → -> while loop
    → -> → acquireFrame
    → -> endwhile
    → streamShutdown

  2. Bottom part, first create stream, make shots and then destroy stream:
    configureSensor(expo, fps, lockAE)
    → while loop
    → -> acquireFrame0
    → -> acquireFrame1
    → -> acquireFrame2
    → -> acquireFrameN
    → endwhile

Why does the exposure change when continuous loop used?

Also same thing happening when using argus_camera. First time setting lockAe always works, but after setting expo, ae unlocks, frames are blinking. After editing fps from 30 to 29(or any value), lockAe really locks again. So aelock very unstable feature, why?

Also please explain next thing. If changing fps then expo changes and vise versa. Why does one depend on the other?
I need 3 fps and 10ms expo as example. If set one then other changed too. In some cases i can’t set expo for selected fps.