Imx678, DOL-HDR pink shade issue

Hello everyone,
I use Orin NX with Jetson Linux R36.3 and sensor IMX678.
The sensor works fine in all modes but I have a problem with digital overlap hdr(combining 2-frames).

For example, with lamp light and LEF = 13ms, SEF = 0ms I got picture:

But with day light with same settings I got:

My DOL dts config:

mode9 {
	mclk_khz = "37125";
	num_lanes = "4";
	tegra_sinterface = "serial_c";
	phy_mode = "DPHY";
	discontinuous_clk = "no";
	dpcm_enable = "false";
	cil_settletime = "0";
	dynamic_pixel_bit_depth = "10";
	csi_pixel_bit_depth = "10";
	mode_type = "bayer_wdr_dol";
	pixel_phase = "rggb";  

	active_w = "3872";
	active_h = "5004";    		
	readout_orientation = "0";
	line_length = "10665";     
	inherent_gain = "1";
	pix_clk_hz = "288000000";            

	gain_factor = "10";
	min_gain_val = "0";
	max_gain_val = "240";
	step_gain_val = "3";
	default_gain = "0";
	min_hdr_ratio = "1";
	max_hdr_ratio = "1";
	framerate_factor = "1";
	min_framerate = "5"; 
	max_framerate = "10"; 
	step_framerate = "1";
	default_framerate = "10";

	exposure_factor = "1000000";
	min_exp_time = "190";                             
	max_exp_time = "24000";                           
	step_exp_time = "1";
	default_exp_time = "24000";
	embedded_metadata_height = "1";
	num_of_exposure = "2";
	num_of_ignored_lines = "32";
	num_of_lines_offset_0 = "310";		  		
	num_of_ignored_pixels = "16";
	num_of_left_margin_pixels = "8";
	num_of_right_margin_pixels = "8";

I couldn’t find the exposure settings to remove the pink shade in daylight.
Do you have any ideas?


there is ISP related setting to enable DOL support. i.e. wdr.DOL.v4.EnableDOL = TRUE;
you may double check whether you’ve that included in the ISP override file,
for instance, /var/nvidia/nvcam/settings/camera_overrides.isp

please also note that, we do not support image tuning stuffs via public forum discussion thread,
please contact with your sensor vendor if you need image quality related tuning supports.

thank you for reply. So the only way to get camera_overrides.isp is to contact the vendor? nvidia does not provide a camera_overrides.isp with default settings?


there’re default ISP settings, which built-in with the pre-built binary file.
please contact with sensor vendor for camera_overrides.isp tuning file.