Inference of tao trained yolov3 model(kitti format) using onnx runtime on my pc

I have trained yolov3 model on tao in kitti format and also removed BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT layer and then export to onnx format. But i got issue showing many bounding box on inference part using onnx runtime. What are the post processing part should i Include. Also I attached my code below

txt11.txt (5.1 KB)

Suggest you to debug onnx file without any trimming firstly. After exporting, you can generate tensorrt engine with tao-deploy. TAO-deploy provides code to generate tensorrt engine and run inference. See tao_deploy/nvidia_tao_deploy/cv/yolo_v3/scripts/ at main · NVIDIA/tao_deploy · GitHub.
You can run inference against one test image. If inference is correct, please save the input to an .npy file.
This npy file will be the golden input for you to debug your modified onnx file.

You can use polygraphy to debug both onnx file and tensorrt engine.

For onnxruntime,
$ /usr/local/bin/polygraphy run xxx.onnx --onnxrt --data-loader-script --save-inputs inputs.json --onnx-outputs mark all --save-outputs onnx_output.json

For tensorrt engine,
$ /usr/local/bin/polygraphy run xxx.onnx --trt --data-loader-script --trt-outputs mark all --save-outputs trt_output.json --save-engine test.engine

BTW, to save an npy file.

            with open('xxx.npy', 'wb') as f:
          , infer_batch)

And is as below.

import numpy as np

def load_data():
    with open('xxx.npy', 'rb') as f:
        data = np.load(f)

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