Instalation of CUDA 7.0 with CUDA 7.5 already installed

Dear All

At first, I installed CUDA 7.5 with CUDA 7.0 and CUDA 6.5 already installed. Later I uninstalled CUDA 7.0 and CUDA 6.5. Now, I need to install CUDA 7.0 again because a certain program needs it (and it is not prepared to CUDA 7.5).

Which Visual Studio Nsight will be working of the CUDA 7.0 or CUDA 7.5?
Do I need to reinstall CUDA 7.5 to activate the Visual Studio Nsight 7.5 again?

I know that Visual Studio Nsight 7.5 is compatible with CUDA 7.0.


Luis Gonçalves

Dear All

Probably, the solution is to do Custom Install and do not install Visual Nsight 7.0.


Luis Gonçalves