Hi, thanks for reaching out. From the logs it looks like something to do with the git-xet state. This is a little strange as AI Workbench does not current support XetHub.
[2024-09-08 22:13:56.279] [error] (check-host) Command failed: /home/jason/.nvwb/bin/wb-svc info
an error occurred while checking server info. try again: failed to load host state: Failed to check git-xet state: bash: line 1: git: command not found
I’ll forward this issue over to Engineering and get back to you when I get a response.
So it appears that line is an artifact that should not interfere with the install process. What is potentially happening here is both git-xet and git itself may be missing and that the latter is what is causing the error.
You can try a manual git install to see if that resolves this git command not found error.