Installing JetPack 3.0.0 on host

When I try to install Jetpack 3.0.0 on a host pc (Ubuntu 16.04) in order to use it for the Jetson TX1 I get the following error message, meaning it fails at getting file:/var/cuda… and it can’t find the file or directory:

“E: Fehlschlag beim Holen von file:/var/cuda-repo-8-0-local/./cuda-toolkit-8-0_8
0.44-1_amd64.deb Datei nicht gefunden - /var/cuda-repo-8-0-local/./cuda-toolkit-8-0_8.0.44-1_amd64.deb (2: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)”

In addition, when I try to access /var/cuda-repo-8-0-local/./cuda-toolkit-8-0_8.0.44-1_amd64.deb, there is only a file called cuda-toolkit-8-0_8.0.34-1_amd64.deb.

Hi isabelle_k,

It’s correctly!
Below is Jetpack3.0 support Host-Ubuntu CUDA Tookit version:
TX1: 8.0.34
TX2: 8.0.64
TK1: 6.5.53

Software overview link: