Installing PGI Fortran 11.7 on Ubuntu 11.10

I’ve installed PGI Fortran 11.7 on Ubuntu 11.10 just after distro upgrade.

I’ve made some magic with makelocalrc to make it work on my system, and it generated localrc ok.
But when i try to compile my test program i get:

pgfortran lgo1.f95 TESTLG.FOR
pgfortran-Fatal-/opt/pgi/linux86-64/11.7/bin/pgf901 TERMINATED by signal 11
Arguments to /opt/pgi/linux86-64/11.7/bin/pgf901
/opt/pgi/linux86-64/11.7/bin/pgf901 lgo1.f95 -opt 1 -terse 1 -inform warn -nohpf -nostatic -x 19 0x400000 -quad -x 59 4 -x 59 4 -x 15 2 -x 49 0x400004 -x 51 0x20 -x 57 0x4c -x 58 0x10000 -x 124 0x1000 -x 57 0xfb0000 -x 58 0x78031040 -x 48 4608 -x 49 0x100 -x 120 0x200 -stdinc /opt/pgi/linux86-64/11.7/include:/usr/local/include:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6.1/include:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6.1/include:/usr/include -def unix -def __unix -def __unix__ -def linux -def __linux -def __linux__ -def __NO_MATH_INLINES -def __x86_64__ -def __LONG_MAX__=9223372036854775807L -def '__SIZE_TYPE__=unsigned long int' -def '__PTRDIFF_TYPE__=long int' -def __THROW= -def __extension__= -def __amd64__ -def __SSE__ -def __MMX__ -def __SSE2__ -def __SSE3__ -def __SSE4A__ -def __ABM__ -def __STDC_HOSTED__ -freeform -vect 48 -y 54 1 -modexport /tmp/pgfortran80Tf0-RsY5l2.cmod -modindex /tmp/pgfortranC0Tfu_lwV8RK.cmdx -output /tmp/pgfortranC0TfuvHqj5Rf.ilm

I can send a core dump and my localrc if it is needed.

This does not look like a license problem. The first thing to check is that
you have room in /tmp and if there are any permission problems there for writing
intermediate files.

You can define TMPDIR to redirect, as in

export TMPDIR=/your/own/tmp/area

and then compile again -v to see if that is the problem.


I’ve installed 11.9 and problem don’t reproduced.