Int size too big...

Hello guys!
I got a problem when I running an OpenCL program.
When it comes to clBuildProgram the complier reports an error:

Int size too big:i 128

Actually nowadays I am trying to modify a CUDA program into OpenCL.
The CUDA code works very well and I just translate it sentence by sentence
but the above error occured External Image

Thanks for any help External Image

Is this the whole error message?


the whole info shown below:

[codebox]now: clCreateContextFromType

done! clCreateContextFromType

now: clGetContextInfo

done! clGetContextInfo

now: clGetContextInfo

done! clGetContextInfo

now: clCreateCommandQueue

done! clCreateCommandQueue

now: oclLoadProgSource

now: clCreateProgramWithSource

done! clCreateProgramWithSource

now: clBuildProgram

Int size too big: i128



can anybody tell me the meaning of the error…