Integration of Bodypose2d with PoseClassificationNet

Hi Team, iam currently working on training of PoseClassifciationNet Model however i extracted the following .json file from BodyPose3d Model: (1.8 MB)
I have a few questions regarding training of the PoseClassificationNet model as the official documentation says the spec file with have .npy as dataset path and .pkl as label file.
1- I wanted to ask what if there are multiple people and multiple poses in a single video file,how we will be able to create label file for that? As the documentation says the label file will be a list of lists,so how we will pass .json file along with the IDs for label file, so how we will deal when multiple people with multiple poses in same video file occur?Please provide guidance in detail.

Please still use pose_classification dataset_convert . The code is in tao_pytorch_backend/nvidia_tao_pytorch/cv/pose_classification/scripts/ at main · NVIDIA/tao_pytorch_backend · GitHub. The IDs are related to “object_id”.