intellisense identifier is undefined

I just got a new laptop and setting up a cuda environment for the very first time.
Going to get straight to the problem then list what else I’ve done to see if I missed something
I’m trying to run the samples that came with the Cuda 6.5 installation, I have 38 errors along the lines of:
332 IntelliSense: identifier “IDirect3DDevice9” is undefined c:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v6.5\include\cudaD3D9.h 282 42 cudaDecodeD3D9

333	IntelliSense: identifier "ppD3DDevice" is undefined	c:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v6.5\include\cudaD3D9.h	282	61	cudaDecodeD3D9

334	IntelliSense: identifier "IDirect3DResource9" is undefined	c:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v6.5\include\cudaD3D9.h	375	84	cudaDecodeD3D9

What i have is a brand new Lenovo W540 with the Quadro K2100M running windows 8.1. Latest updates were installed, VS 2013 Community edition, latest ODE graphics drivers, CudaToolkit 6.5, Windows 8 SDK.

I’m not sure what I’m missing as I’m brand new at this.

Dave K.

Those are not errors… intellisense is visual studio’s way of highlighting source code, and if it doesn’t find a definition it outputs that… you can ignore them.

Thanks Vacaloca. I was a bit confused when it said it built successfully, but had those items listed. VS2013 had them as errors, not warnings. I ended up finding a solution to make VS happy, link below. It is done using VS2010, but it works for 2013 as well.