Internal Compiler error

Dear sirs,
I run a benchmark code using pgf90 9.0-3 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux

the compilation (whatever optimization flags) fails with an internal compiler error:

PGF90-S-0084-Illegal use of symbol echlevs - a named constant array
must have constant extents (dims_levels.F90: 28)
PGF90-S-0000-Internal compiler error. mkexpr1: 0 dtype 0 (dims_levels.F90: 46)
PGF90-W-0103-Type conversion of subscript expression for b_ec$ac (dims_levels.F90: 46)
PGF90-S-0095-Expression has wrong data type (dims_levels.F90: 46)
PGF90-S-0084-Illegal use of symbol bt - a named constant array must
have constant extents (dims_levels.F90: 46)

integer,parameter :: echlevs(0:lm(1)) = (/ ...

and then;

 real, parameter  :: bt(1:lm(1)+1) = b_ec(echlevs)

Thank’s for any suggestion


Hi Piero,

Can you please send a example of the problem to PGI customer service (
