Is Isaac Sim no longer supporting Unreal 4?

Hi All,

I was just looking at the new 2019.3 release for Isaac and I noticed that there was no entry in the new documentation for Unreal Engine Isaac Sim.

Is this no longer going to be supported at all/will Isaac 2019.3 still interact effectively with Unreal environments?

Does this mean that any issues we had when using the Unreal environment are not going to be addressed in the future?

Any information about the future plans for the Isaac simulator would be greatly appreciated so that we can plan appropriately when using Isaac Sim in our future projects.


Hi d20,

Yes, you are correct, we no longer develop the Isaac Sim based UE4.
We have made many improvements on the Isaac Sim based on Unity, so you can use that for now.
Our future plan for Isaac Sim is that we are working on the next generation of the Isaac Sim, until then we will be developing and supporting Isaac Sim based on Unity.
As I said Isaac Sim based on UE4 is no longer being developed or improved, and will not be supported by Isaac SDK from 2019.3 release and forward. But if you really want to use it and have questions we will answer your questions on the forum.

Hope I answered your questions,

Thanks that is good to know.

Out of curiosity, if we can know, what was the reason for this change?

Given Isaac started with only Unreal and has now shifted to Unity I am curious to know what prompted the shift and whether there is some benefit to Unity over Unreal I am unaware of (I am not that experienced with different simulators).



Hi Itorabi,

What about the simulations in “//apps/carter”?

For example, “carter_sim”, “carter_sim_joystick”, “carter_sim_mapping”? They are using maps such as “carter_warehouse_p”, “carter_office” and “hospital”, but I could not find any corresponding scenes in Unity.


Hi Shengchen,

Unfortunately we have not import those maps to the Unity app yet.
You can ask your questions in the Isaac Sim for navigation forum.


What about unreal 5? or Nvidia will not recommend use unreal ?

@xuxu1994 , Isaac Sim uses Nvidia Omniverse platform to run and no longer uses unreal.