Is OpenCV VideoCapture able to get branched appsink from test-launch

I can use OpenCV VideoCapture to launch the gstreamer script below to carry out the image processing and streaming video to other device with WIFI connection.

"v4l2src device=/dev/video0 \
    ! video/x-raw, format=UYVY, width=2592, height=1944, framerate=24/1 \
    ! nvvidconv ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), format=I420 \
    ! tee name=camNVMM ! queue ! nvv4l2h264enc maxperf-enable=true insert-vui=true insert-sps-pps=1 bitrate=10000000 control-rate=1 vbv-size=625000 \
    preset-level = 1  MeasureEncoderLatency=1 \
    ! h264parse ! rtph264pay ! udpsink clients= \
    camNVMM. ! queue ! nvvidconv ! video/x-raw, format=GRAY8, width=640,height=480 ! appsink"

The video streaming is using UDP. When tried to stream the video to other device using RTSP,
I tried the code below:

./test-launch "v4l2src device=/dev/video0 \
! video/x-raw, format=(string)UYVY, width=(int)2592, height=(int)1944,framerate=24/1 \
! nvvidconv \
! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),format=(string)I420 \
! tee name=camNVMM ! queue ! nvv4l2h264enc preset-level=1 MeasureEncoderLatency=1 maxperf-enable=true insert-vui=true insert-sps-pps=1 bitrate=10000000  control-rate=1 vbv-size=625000 speed-preset=ultrafast \
! h264parse ! rtph264pay name=pay0 "

I can get the RTSP video from other WIFI connected device.
The issue is that how can I get the video frame from

camNVMM. ! queue ! nvvidconv ! video/x-raw, format=GRAY8, width=640,height=480 ! appsink

by using OpenCV VideoCaptued) for my image processing?


Please refer to this python sample:
Doesn't work nvv4l2decoder for decoding RTSP in gstreamer + opencv - #3 by DaneLLL

Thanks. Your suggestion should work, but it added a latency on image processing.
I am thinking another method may also work, i.e. update my OpenCV VideoCapture gstreamer script to stream the video to udpsink at local host, and then using test-launch get the udpsrc from local host and stream to other device. But it will increase the video stream latency.
Is there any other better method can do the job?

For low latency, it may be better to run both server and client in gstreamer commands. As we have verified and suggested in
Gstreamer TCPserversink 2-3 seconds latency - #5 by DaneLLL

Running with OpenCV may have certain latency. And it requires much CPU usage. May hit performance constraint on Jetson Nano.

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