Environment: jetpack6.0(GA) The access solution is the deserializer solution, and the deserializer is max96712,Our current camera uses Cphy, and the mipi rate is 1.1g symbol/s,
rate = rate * depth / signal->num_lanes;
if (signal->phy_mode == CSI_PHY_MODE_DPHY) {
/* MIPI clock rate */
signal->mipi_clock.val = rate / 2;
} else if (signal->phy_mode == CSI_PHY_MODE_CPHY) {
/* Symbol rate */
signal->mipi_clock.val = rate * 7 / 16;
} else {
/* Data rate */
signal->mipi_clock.val = rate;
If rate is not an integer multiple of 16, it cannot be divided cleanly, which may cause some deviation.So I want to confirm whether the mipi clock here is the setting of the mipi rate by orin.