is the Intel Phi Coprocessor supported

Hi All,

I have a FORTRAN code that runs parallel on many CPU cores that uses OpenMP. The basic structure is

!$omp parallel private(a bunch of variables)
!$omp do
do i=1,n
   call large subroutine that calls other subroutines
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel

We are looking into buying an Intel Phi Coprocessor. Can I run this type of code in the coprocessor with the PGI compilers? Do I need to change any of the OpenMP directives?



Hi Jerry,

We are looking into buying an Intel Phi Coprocessor. Can I run this type of code in the coprocessor with the PGI compilers?

Sorry, but we don’t support the Phi’s as of yet. There hasn’t been enough market demand for them and the next generation Phi, Knight’s Landing, wont be a coprocessor but rather self-hosted and need a different code generator. Knight’s Landing is on our road map once they are available in a few years but that’s subject to change given the time frame.

  • Mat