Is there any way to promote custom hlsl shaders to an application without its source hlsl

If there is no hlsl source, nsight will warning “Shader editing is not supported for HLSL bytecode without HLSL source.”. Is there any way to promote my own hlsl source shaders to the application to replace the bytecode in this case?

Thank you for your question. I’m discussing with the engineering team and someone will get back to you on your question.


Wanted to get back to you. Please know that this is expected behavior when shader source cannot be determined by Nsight Graphics. The best way to workaround this is to in fact ensure that shader source can be collected. I see you have a question in How can a hlsl bytecode find the hlsl source by the setting of Shader Source Paths in Options that is essentially asking about this concern, and I recently posted a response there that will hopefully help you resolve this issue.