ISAAC ROS GEMS support on Jetson


As per various links such as GitHub - NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_visual_slam: Visual odometry package based on hardware-accelerated NVIDIA Elbrus library with world class quality and performance. and GitHub - NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_image_segmentation: Hardware-accelerated, deep learned semantic image segmentation, it seems these packages are limited to Jetson AGX Xavier or Xavier NX. Is this correct ? Is Jetson Nano not supported for ISAAC ROS GEMS ?

Also, as per, it seems Jetson Nano is supported for isaac_ros_visual_odometry.

Please help to clarify the confusion and whether which ISAAC ROS GEMS are limited to Jetson Nano and which are limited to AGX Xavier or Xavier NX


Isaac ROS GEMs are only being qualified against AGX Xavier and Xavier NX, not Jetson Nano. Some of the GEMs may work on Nano but your mileage may vary.