Isaac ROS Visual SLAM Loading and Localizing in a Map False

Dear all
Thank you for your interest
after save map and I want to Localizing from pose in map but show
False and this my- position:
x: 3.98871111869812
y: 3.295464515686035
z: -0.20045015215873718
x: 0.05767214718431342
y: -0.010428093318764205
z: 0.998223649287402
w: 0.010714896463445594 <<<<<<<<< FALSE

But if it is a starting position Localizing is true

I tested further if orientation x y z “(w = 1 )” localize = true BUT IF orientation x y z “(w != 1 or w=0 )” localize = false

Best regards

Hi @AMR_all,

Thank you for sharing your post. I’m here to help, but I’m having a bit of trouble understanding the issue you’re experiencing.

Could you please share a little more detail? I want to make sure I can assist you effectively.

Thank you so much for your help!
