Isaac Sim 2022.1.0 Beta installation fails on Windows OS

Hi, for the new Isaac Sim 2022.1.0 Beta,

Though it is installed well on Ubuntu 18.04, but its installation fails on Windows OS currently.

Failed OS
Windows Server 2019 using AWS EC2 AMI
Windows Server 2022 using AWS EC2 AMI
Windows 10 Pro using AWS EC2 AMI

For Windows Server 2019, Isaac Sim does not support this OS as shown in a message box.

For Windows Server 2022 and Windows 10 Pro, by Omniverse Launcer, the installation finished but the app selector does not appear. Also, if ‘isaac-sim.exe’ is executed directly, so many errors are shown on the terminal and it fails.

If you are running it remotely, Isaac Sim container is only supported on linux