I started the application and everything seems ok: in the browser i can see the tags correctly recognized and a blue line indicating the planned trajectory.
My question is about the last sentence: To navigate via joystick, press and hold the right shoulder button for Kaya to navigate and follow the detected AprilTag.
If I press the right shoulder button, I’m able to move the robot around, I can see the computed plan changing, however I never succeeded in seeing the robot moving autonomously. Am I missing something?
I can detect the April tag and I can move the robot with the joystick (by pressing the right trigger), however the robot never drives autonomously… External Image
I think the sentence in the doc is a bit misleading.
If you press the right trigger, the Kaya would autonomously move towards the april tag. Any time you press left shoulder, you take control with joystick and then with left/right joystick keys you can move the Kaya.
From the doc:
“To navigate via joystick, press and hold the left shoulder button to enter manual control mode, and then and use the left thumbstick to move the robot forward/backward and the right thumbstick to turn left/right.”
after some time i figure out how to setup the virtual gamepad.
but now how i am supposed to set the deadman switch through the virtual gamepad.
the keyboard or the mouse can only move the kaya in the four direction no extra button.
@ltorabi I wanted to utilize the deadman feature on the Virtual keypad. Assuming adding a new button to the gamepad widget is possible by editing, packages/sight/webroot/css/virtual_gamepad.css how does one configure it as the deadman switch. Right now no keys in the keyboard are assigned to it.
If I understand your request correctly, the deadman switch should be available under application configuration as a check box. You can search for it in the application configuration panel on the right and it should appear under:
If in case you want to add a dedicated button and assign functionality for deadman switch, you can add it in the sdk/packages/sight/webroot/js/virtual_keypad_joystick.js file.