Isaac Sim, Moveit

Hi @abderrahmen.melliti

The omni.add_on.ros_control_bridge user extension configures Isaac Sim to use the ROS FollowJointTrajectory and GripperCommand actions.

There are a few steps to configure and use such an extension

  1. Include dependencies (omni.usd.schema.add_on and omni.add_on.ros_bridge_ui)

  2. Publish the joint states of the robot using a RosJointState prim

  3. Configure the RosControlFollowJointTrajectory and/or RosControlGripperCommand prims according to the configuration of the ROS controllers made with MoveIt Setup Assistant (ros_controllers.yaml file)

Can you see (rostopic list) the following (or similar) topics only playing the simulator, without launching MoveIt?


Could you please indicate which step is giving you problems or indicate more details about the steps followed (even if not indicated)?

In any case, I added an example (an stage (.usd) and a catkin workspace with the MoveIt configuration) to the repository: Releases · Toni-SM/omni.add_on.ros_control_bridge · GitHub