Isaac sim - STEP importer on headless container


I’m running Isaac sim 2020.2 container on AWS ec2 instance (I followed all the instruction provided and it went smoothly).

Although, I run into problems when trying to enable the STEP importer plugin:

  1. I think there’s a missing dependency in the container (psutil) that prevents isaac sim to correctly load the plugin, I finally got it working by manually installing psutil in the container.

  2. After starting the plugin it’s not possible to use the directory browser. It keeps listing file/folders at the root of the container but it does not allow to change directory.

Below a screenshot.

Am I missing any specific setting?


Hi @michelangelo.setaro

A solution for your second problem is adding the next code to the Step Importer Extension ( /isaac-sim/_build/linux-x86_64/release/exts/omni.isaac.step_importer/omni/isaac/step_importer/scripts/ at line number 93.

self._filebrowser.add_model_as_subtree(FileSystemModel("/", "/"))

This code allows the FileBrowserWidget to include the root folder / and let you to navigate into it.

Hello @michelangelo.setaro! Thanks for sharing your experience with Isaac Sim. We have fixed the psutil dependency issue. Additionally, we noticed the entries in the file browser mapped as volumes and cleared them so the screen is not cluttered with these invalid entries.

Both issues will be addressed on a bugfix release to come out soon.

Since you are running Isaac Sim from an AWS docker, you need to map a volume to a local folder, so you can exchange data with your computer.
To do so, add -v /path/to/local/folder:/path/to/mapped/volume to the execute command. This will add an entry to the file browser. On a real-case use with the local container image, the command line will look like this:

sudo docker run --entrypoint ./ --gpus all -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --rm -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /home/$USER/docker_data:/isaac-sim/user_data -e DISPLAY=unix${DISPLAY}

This will map the local /home/$USER/docker_data to a file browser entry /isaac-sim/user_data. This should get you going for the current release, and will become the standard command line instruction for future releases running on Docker containers.