ISP Queries

Hi All,
I have few queries on ISP usage.
Is it possible to use the TX1 ISP in the following way?
“Memory to ISP, and ISP to memory”.
And for TK1, is it possible?
Or is there any lib arugs support this way?

Hi shiautsung,

You need to provide more description of your use case, then we can help to confirm.
Besides, you could check below topic to see if any help:


Hi kayccc,
In our case, we don’t use data from camera sensor by csi interface. and data are transferred by PCIe, stored at memory. But, we need to use the ISP module in TX1.From technical sheet, we find a way that ISP module can get data from memory and then process it , output to memory at last. Now, we want to make sure that is it a possible way and how to realize it . Because from nvstreamer we don’t find any helpful info.