ISSAC SDK: Got core dumped when run: bazel run //apps/samples/v4l2_camera

Dear Support

While I am reading the ISSAC document, I try to run the example: bazel run //apps/samples/v4l2_camera.
But I got core dumped. I used the RTX 2080 laptop(with a build-in webcam) on ubuntu 18.04. Since I cannot figure out what is wrong about that, I hope that someone can give me the help. If I run the opencv cpp program, the webcam works fine. It seems that when: isaac::V4L2Camera::start() , the segmentation fault starts from this call. Do I need to install V4L2Camera driver in order to get the ISSAC SDK run? Hope not since the Ubuntu 18.04 has that driver already.

Thanks so much for your help