Issue creating TFrecords in TAO EfficientDet

I want to train efficientDet on custom dataset. The issue i am facing is with running file

and with the error:

Did you ever run efficientdet jupyter noteboook successfully?

Resolved the first issue in first image. but getting this now.

yeah. notebook run was successful.

So, no other issues now, right?

issue is with custom dataset. the image i uploaded last.

How did you run into the error? Can you share full command and full log?

Here is the specs

The command that i use to create TF records

the error log

This is what generated with

So, you have generated tfrecord files successfully with your own dataset?
At the top of this topic, you share below issue. Is the issue gone?

yeah…this issue is solved. now its the params shape issue.the error log image

for tfrecords i am not sure if it is the same tfrecords required by efficientdet. as its outputted with different name than in example one. i.e. here its starts with coco_train.record… and in example one it is named as train-*.tfrecord

Please check if below topics help you.

My issue has been resoved. thanks for the help

Could you share the experience how did you solve the error? Thanks.

The issue was with the Tfrecords generation. earlier i was using the from tf-models repo. changing that with the file that comes with efficientDet resolved the issue. I think the tfrecords generated from these two different files might be different. so the issue came up while parsing those tfrecords during training.

Thanks for sharing!

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