Jarvis Quick Start: Installation fails

Sorry for the difficulties here everyone. We have issued a Jarvis 1.2.1 with a workaround for the NGC connection issues, and the NGC problem has also been resolved. Please reply here if you are still having difficulties.

Hi All,

It seems to be an issue with the script not updating the nameservers in the container.

docker login nvcr.io

Login Succeeded

ngc registry resource download-version “nvidia/jarvis/jarvis_quickstart:1.2.1-beta”

looks good

updated jarvis_init.sh to include the -x flag for debug.


  • ‘[’ true = true ‘]’
  • gmr_speech_models=
  • ‘[’ true = true ‘]’
  • for model in ${models_asr[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta’
  • for model in ${models_asr[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_streaming:1.2.0-beta’
  • for model in ${models_asr[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_offline:1.2.0-beta’
  • ‘[’ true = true ‘]’
  • for model in ${models_nlp[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta’
  • for model in ${models_nlp[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_named_entity_recognition:1.2.0-beta’
  • for model in ${models_nlp[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_intent_slot:1.2.0-beta’
  • for model in ${models_nlp[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_question_answering:1.2.0-beta’
  • for model in ${models_nlp[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_text_classification:1.2.0-beta’
  • ‘[’ true = true ‘]’
  • for model in ${models_tts[@]}
  • gmr_speech_models+=’ nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_tts_ljspeech:1.2.0-beta’
  • docker run --init -it --rm --gpus ‘“device=0”’ -v jarvis-model-repo:/data -e NGC_CLI_API_KEY=OTFmaWJvbjhpYQyODEtMzY3MC00YjEyLTgwNzYtZmU2NTIyMTZiYjAy -e NGC_CLI_ORG=nvidia --name jarvis-service-maker nvcr.io/nvidia/jarvis/jarvis-speech:1.2.1-beta-servicemaker download_ngc_models nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_streaming:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_offline:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_named_entity_recognition:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_intent_slot:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_question_answering:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_text_classification:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_tts_ljspeech:1.2.0-beta

Downloading nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta…
Url: ‘https://authn.nvidia.com/token?service=ngc&scope=group/ngc:nvidia&scope=group/ngc:nvidia/jarvis’ is not reachable.
Attempt 1 out of 3 failed
Trying again…
Url: ‘https://authn.nvidia.com/token?service=ngc&scope=group/ngc:nvidia&scope=group/ngc:nvidia/jarvis’ is not reachable.

**init script fails on model pull, looks like it runs the jarvis-service-maker container which inturn takes a flag download_ngc_models which I guess downloads the parameters of the required model uri’s .

lets try a straight ngc pull

$ ngc registry model download-version nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta

“download_end”: “2021-06-13 18:14:10.291947”,
“download_start”: “2021-06-13 18:12:46.208310”,
“download_time”: “1m 24s”,
“files_downloaded”: 1,
“local_path”: “/home//code/jarvis_quickstart_v1.2.1-beta/jmir_punctuation_v1.2.0-beta”,
“size_downloaded”: “418.11 MB”,
“status”: “Completed”,
“transfer_id”: “jmir_punctuation_v1.2.0-beta”

ok that works, we can manually pull via ngc

**however, if we get a command prompt in the container, it looks like the container image broken **

~/code/jarvis_quickstart_v1.2.1-beta$ docker run --init -it --rm --gpus ‘“device=0”’ -v jarvis-model-repo:/data -e NGC_CLI_API_KEY=OTFmaWJvbjhpY2lmYjVtc3FqYjUzamwwbIyMTZiYjAy -e NGC_CLI_ORG=nvidia --name jarvis-service-maker nvcr.io/nvidia/jarvis/jarvis-speech:1.2.1-beta-servicemaker /bin/bash

== Jarvis Speech Skills ==

NVIDIA Release devel (build 22382700)

Copyright (c) 2018-2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.

Various files include modifications (c) NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
NVIDIA modifications are covered by the license terms that apply to the underlying
project or file.

NOTE: The SHMEM allocation limit is set to the default of 64MB. This may be
insufficient for the inference server. NVIDIA recommends the use of the following flags:
nvidia-docker run --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 …

root@69e8cd412c3a:/opt/jarvis# download_ngc_models
/data/artifacts /opt/jarvis
root@69e8cd412c3a:/opt/jarvis# download_ngc_models nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_streaming:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_offline:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_named_entity_recognition:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_intent_slot:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_question_answering:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_text_classification:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_tts_ljspeech:1.2.0-beta
/data/artifacts /opt/jarvis

Downloading nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta…
Url: ‘https://authn.nvidia.com/token?service=ngc&scope=group/ngc:nvidia&scope=group/ngc:nvidia/jarvis’ is not reachable.
Attempt 1 out of 3 failed
Trying again…

we know the models are in the registry, from the host run

ngc registry model list | grep citrinet

from the container bash shell
root@69e8cd412c3a:/opt/jarvis# ngc registry model download-version nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta
Url: ‘https://authn.nvidia.com/token?service=ngc&scope=group/ngc:nvidia&scope=group/ngc:nvidia/jarvis’ is not reachable.

checked env variables


looking at the download_ngc_models script it doesnt use/pickup the NGC_CLI_API_KEY environment variable nor is there a ~/.ngc/config file in the container.

root@69e8cd412c3a:/opt/jarvis# cat /usr/local/bin/download_ngc_models
#!/bin/bash -x

Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.



[ -d $JMIR_DIR ] || mkdir $JMIR_DIR


for model in “$@”
if [[ “$model” == ‘–force’ ]]; then
model_loc=echo $model | rev | cut -d "/" -f 1 | rev
model_name=echo $model_loc | cut -d ":" -f 1
model_version=echo $model_loc | cut -d ":" -f 2

# trying to retrieve version if user skipped it
if [[ -z "${model_version}" || "${model_version}" == "${model_name}" ]]; then
    model_version="$(ngc registry model list --format_type csv --column version $model | awk -F ',' 'FNR>1 {print $NF}')"

if [[ "$force_mode" == 'false' && -e ${dir_name} ]]; then
    echo "Directory ${dir_name} already exists, skipping. Use '--force' option to override."
elif [[ "$force_mode" == 'true' && -e ${dir_name} ]]; then
    rm -Rf ${dir_name}

echo "  > Downloading $model..."
for ((i = 1 ; i <= $attempts ; i++)); do
    ngc registry model download-version $model
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "  > Attempt $i out of $attempts failed"
        if [ $i -eq $attempts ]; then
            echo "Error occurred downloading '$model'. Exiting."
            exit 1
            echo "  > Trying again..."
            if [[ -e ${dir_name} ]]; then
                echo " > Cleaning up partial download  ${dir_name}"
                rm -Rf ${dir_name}

cp ${model_name}_v${model_version}/*.jmir $JMIR_DIR



I guess the fix is to modify the /usr/local/bin/download_ngc_models script to create the ~/.ngc/config file however this does not work either

root@69e8cd412c3a:/opt/jarvis# ngc config set
Enter API key [********************************************************************************YjAy]. Choices: [<VALID_APIKEY>, ‘no-apikey’]: OTFmaWJvbjhpY2lmYjVtc3YtZmU2NTIyMTZiYjAy
Url: ‘https://authn.nvidia.com/token?service=ngc&’ is not reachable.

not resolvable, now we are getting somewhere, its gotta be a docker problem right?

root@69e8cd412c3a:/opt/jarvis# wget authn.nvidia.com
–2021-06-13 09:35:22-- http://authn.nvidia.com/
Resolving authn.nvidia.com (authn.nvidia.com)… failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘authn.nvidia.com

On the container
root@b03debefa9eb:/opt/jarvis# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search default.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local
options ndots:2 timeout:2 attempts:2

On the host
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf

options edns0 trust-ad
docker network ls
docker network inspect

“Containers”: {
“b03debefa9eb7b0c0c1a568ba667b4a26854fb0d64ba70ecf9c38d75809a8894”: {
“Name”: “jarvis-service-maker”,
“EndpointID”: “b3672eb901c43b1ae3635599156ca5b2bbba16181d94940b684895200b0c0053”,
“MacAddress”: “02:42:ac:11:00:02”,
“IPv4Address”: “”,
“IPv6Address”: “”

Clearly the container has the wrong dns in resolve.conf on the container, it needs to be updated to connect to the Bridge address to be able to resolve hosts from the container, I can do this manually but the dockerfile for the container should be updated to use the bridge IP ( we don’t have access to the dockerfile because we dont have source access)

Add your gateway address to the --dns=x.x.x.x value in the docker run command in the jarvis_init.sh script

docker run --init -it --rm --gpus '"device=0"' **--dns=** -v jarvis-model-repo:/data -e NGC_CLI_API_KEY=OTFmaWJvbjhpY2lmYjVtc3Fq<apikey>2NTIyMTZiYjAy -e NGC_CLI_ORG=nvidia --name jarvis-service-maker nvcr.io/nvidia/jarvis/jarvis-speech:1.2.1-beta-servicemaker download_ngc_models nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_streaming:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_offline:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_named_entity_recognition:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_intent_slot:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_question_answering:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_text_classification:1.2.0-beta nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_tts_ljspeech:1.2.0-beta

Downloading nvidia/jarvis/jmir_punctuation:1.2.0-beta...
Downloaded 418.11 MB in 1m 19s, Download speed: 5.29 MB/s

Transfer id: jmir_punctuation_v1.2.0-beta Download status: Completed.
Downloaded local path: /data/artifacts/jmir_punctuation_v1.2.0-beta
Total files downloaded: 1 
Total downloaded size: 418.11 MB
Started at: 2021-06-13 12:27:08.492560
Completed at: 2021-06-13 12:28:27.601529
Duration taken: 1m 19s
  > Downloading nvidia/jarvis/jmir_jarvis_asr_citrinet_1024_asrset1p7_streaming:1.2.0-beta...
Downloaded 579.01 MB in 1m 31s, Download speed: 6.35 MB/s               

It works!


Thank you so much for this! I have been experiencing problems installing Jarvis 1.3.0 Beta, along with older versions.

But, with your code (along with the DNS to my computer and my personal API key) I was able to install Jarvis 1.2.0 Beta.

Thanks again!

But this is still a huge issue for people installing Jarvis.

Hi All,
I am trying to install the jarvis v1.2.1-beta. I had the issue with the API key and adding into the environment resolve the first issue.
Now it stuck on downloading the models, I tried adding the DNS as on the previous post but same issue.
Please, anyone have any issues ideas what to try test?

bash jarvis_init.sh
Logging into NGC docker registry if necessary…
Pulling required docker images if necessary…
Note: This may take some time, depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

Pulling Jarvis Speech Server images.
Image nvcr.io/nvidia/jarvis/jarvis-speech:1.2.1-beta-server exists. Skipping.
Image nvcr.io/nvidia/jarvis/jarvis-speech-client:1.2.1-beta exists. Skipping.
Image nvcr.io/nvidia/jarvis/jarvis-speech:1.2.1-beta-servicemaker exists. Skipping.

Downloading models (JMIRs) from NGC…
Note: this may take some time, depending on the speed of your Internet connection.
To skip this process and use existing JMIRs set the location and corresponding flag in config.sh.

Thank you,

Hi @gmasc

Please try with our latest version and documentation
