Jestson Agx Xavier failed to start the Desktop

I Successfully with installed OpenJDK 11 arm64 and working
I also installed WINE (Run Widnows application on Linux/Ubuntu) 4.0 and 5.0 64 bits but fail to run required WINE 4.0 32 bits to be install

When I try to restart Nvidia Jestson Agx Xavie it fails to start Desktop with error said messahe saidig “CPU 5 Shutdown”, “CPU 6 Shutdown”, “CPU 7 Shutdown”.
Please see the fail_to_load_deskstop_1.JPG and fail_to_load_deskstop_2.JPG.

Can you please advise how to fix this issue.

Regards, Bao

We don’t have experience to install/run the packages on Jetson platforms. May see if other users can share suggestion/guidance.

Hi DaneLL

Can please advise how do I restore origin firmware.
I try to restore vidia Jestson Agx Xavier OS by download Jetpack 4.2 running SDKmanager 4.2 on my VirtualBox Ubuntu 18.04 VM on my widows 10.
I connect the Jeston Agx Xavuer via USB using flash USB and press recover button then start button. I follow the steps mentioned in NVIDIA SDK Manager for Jetson - JetPack 4.2 - JetsonHacks
But the firmware update failed after 3%.

Please advise how I can fix this issue.
I also raise an other issues on 12 of May, where I lost root sudo access. Please Jestson Agx Xavier failed to start the Desktop.

We have bought two Jeston Agx Xaver edge computers, and we BLOCK from install software on Jeston Agx Xaver to deploy and test on traffic site end of May.
We are planning to buy lot more Jeston Agx Xaver to deploy and test on traffic sites in Sydney, but we are getting NOT smooth sailing on configure and installing software on Jeston Agx Xaver to deploy and test on traffic sites.

Can we send the Jeston Agx Xaver to Nvidia office to get restore firmware image?
Do you have local contact in Sydney ?

Thank you for your help

Regards, Bao

The host PC is suggested be direct Ubuntu OS 16.04 or 18.04. Could you check if you can get the host PC and try to re-flash through SDKManager?

Hi Deanelll

I fixed the problem. by running command

  • “sudo apt-get install python”
  • cd ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.2_Linux_P2888
  • sudo ./ jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1
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