Jetpack 4.1.1 with DeepStream 3.0

Now I’m using the Jetson Xavier and I already check the sample : deepstream-app demonstration with RTSP input.

Now I’m using the Nsight Eclipse Edition with using Cuda-toolkit-10.0

My question is how to import the deepstream sdk(library file) to Nsight Eclipse ?

what i’d like to do is get each frame from RTSP video input on my own application.

I couldn’t get example source cord and tutorial about above things.

Is there any guide for Deepstream SDK to Nsight Eclipse?

I’ve found the dsexample guide for custom plugin template and I made the “” file which is library to import to my own application I guess.

but i have no idea with the “” to import to Nsight Eclipse.

anyone can help ?

We now only support to build the app on target. other forum users may share experience of using Nsight Eclipse + DeepStream SDK.

For RTSP, please refer to

Hi DaneLLL

Thank you for reply,

my own application means not sample as deepstream-app
I’d like to import deepstream libray on my application(host) and remotely build up on target(xavier)
because it needs too long time to understand the sample source cord

I just want to know the way that import the deepstream library(as i mentioned “”) and develope app on Nsight Eclipse step by step, refer to guide of deepstream function’s