Jetpack 4.6 vi-ouput cause sysytem load 99%

We update L4T package to jetpack 4.6. Then we use gst-launch-1.0 preview camera; if error log ouput “No reply from camera processor” or “Discarding fram” for a while, sysytem will frozen; top tools show the vi-ouput use system resource 99%. Same condition, Jetpack 4.4 work well.

J4.4 have no reply from camera processor too?
Could you have a check with new release J4.6.1

Yes, the same condition with both jetpack package; same hardware, same camera, same error log.The error log will alway print with J4.4; but only times with J4.6, and then system frozen look like.
We have not fix our drivers to the new release J4.6.1 .What’s new with the J 4.6.1?

I would suggest to fix the sensor output problem cause able capture data and cause this.

We are simulating exception handling. This is an expected working condition. We still want to be able to really solve this problem.

Then maybe check the VI driver if any infinite loop or waiting cause the problem.

Which program create vi-ouput thread?If no error print, vi-ouput was not been display in ps log.

Have enable debug print and add message if necessary in the /kernel/nvidia/drivers/platform/tegra/camera/*
to confirm it.

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