Jetpack 5.0.2?

part from what you have been told, I add my discontent compared to other odroid boards, rpi4 or adreno chips in which you can have Multilib run 32bits and 64bits without problem and easy run with mainline support.

You are wasting a bit of time to bring it up to date with “Hackly” without real fixes and the L4T structure is not at all portable.
Some stuff nvidia-l4t are broken for example nvidia-l4t-weston can’t load under Ubuntu 20.04 conexion reset broken probably with recent wayland versions with weston 6.0 in 32.x jetpack.

The drivers L4T unfinished under wayland see How status working Wayland with the curret Jetpack 32.6/32.7+ - #6 by DaneLLL
Only work for OpenGL but not for Vulkan.
For not working Wayland correctly cause some errors when run with X11 with l4t driver eglinfo under X11 error failed Aethersx2 some issues with Nvidia tegra driver
Switch session to wayland + Tegra udrm under Ubuntu 20.04 can prevent this error only affected by l4t it’s working on all mesa3d drivers with opengl es 3.2 / opengl 4.6 or vulkan 1.1 minimal (recommended some extensions in vulkan 1.3 spec for better perfomance)

There is a lot of work to do and I no longer tell you to install the drivers outside of Ubuntu
Or the official debs cannot be installed on debian by default because they have dpkg zstd compression and debian dpkg np supported zstd .
Compared to the PC nvidia installer .run installation system that you can install on any distro with almost no problems
Here you are tied to Ubuntu having canonical instability in many aspects with broken libraries or packages without testing there are binaries that you have to recompile as SDL2 or QT5/qt6 for corrected flags or newer functions (qt6 only available official under ubuntu 22.04) mandatory recompile or needed ppa , vulkan headers very old 1.1.70 due ubuntu 18.04 needed rebuild vulkan-headers make install .

So there are so many things that it doesn’t make sense to rely on 18.04 only at this point several ppa needed and waitng time and the very old libc it’s hard “fix” without update .